Radiation therapy for cancer

Radiation therapy for cancer

The globe is plagued with the highly serious and persistent disease of cancer. Every year, thousands of people develop cancer, and this figure is steadily rising. A lethal condition with a high death rate is cancer. Sometimes, with such a dire situation facing the doctors and the patients, it is nearly impossible to save the patient's life when cancer has spread to other parts of the body or when it has advanced and mutated. One of the few cancer treatments available is radiation therapy.

Radiation therapy uses radiation to eradicate cancer cells already present within the body. Radiation therapy may be used to reduce the size of a tumor in some cases if it is too large to be operated on, allowing for minimally invasive surgery to treat it. The radiation that is utilized in radiation therapy is the same radiation that is used in x-rays. The radiations utilized in radiotherapy are stronger than the ones an x-ray subject would be subjected to. Let's examine how radiation treatment combats cancer in more detail. And when does radiation therapy being employed when treating cancer?

How does Radiation Therapy work against cancer?

High-powered radiation is used during radiation therapy to eliminate cancer cells within your body by disrupting their DNA. This procedure helps you recover from the disease by slowing the spread of cancer, reducing the size of tumors, and ultimately eradicating cancer cells from your body. Radiation therapy repeatedly damages cancer cells, causing them to perish. Your body then expels the dead cells, and you recover from cancer.

It's critical to realize that treating cancer is a challenging disease, and radiation therapy is not a quick fix for the sickness. Radiation therapy is a highly drawn-out procedure that takes weeks or months of appointments before the cancer cells' DNA is finally damaged to the point where they can no longer divide and die. Even when the radiation therapy sessions are finished, it takes months to receive the full results, ensuring you are cancer-free.Types of Radiation Therapy used in Cancer treatment?

External Beam Radiation Therapy

External machines that discharge radiation in various directions to any area of your body where cancer cells are present are used in external beam radiation therapy. Your complete body is not exposed to radiation during external beam radiation therapy; only the area where the cancer is located is exposed. This gadget may freely move about a small area of the afflicted area to project radiation there from various angles.

Internal Radiation Therapy

Internal radiation therapy involves giving the patient a solid or liquid radiation source to be placed within the body near the cancerous spot. Internal radiation therapy is also localized; rather than exposing your complete body to radiation, it just exposes the precise area of your body that is damaged. The treatment is known as brachytherapy, when the radiation source is solid, and systemic radiation therapy, when the radiation source is liquid.


One of the most effective cancer treatment choices is radiation therapy. With the development of medical research, radiation therapy has improved in its ability to help cancer patients survive. One of the greatest cancer treatment options, this procedure has fewer adverse effects than chemotherapy., And if you have any queries related to Radiation therapy, feel free to visit JIET hospital in Jodhpur, Rajasthan.


IGRT, IMRT, and Rapic Arc - Comparison of different techniques for Radiotherapy treatment.