Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care

Anesthesiology and Critical Care


Anaesthesiology, a branch of medicine, involves using medical drugs to induce a state of total or partial unresponsiveness, enabling the smooth execution of surgical procedures without causing distress to the patient. This field stems from Greek words meaning 'without sensation.' At JIET Hospital, the Department of Anaesthesiology utilizes advanced, safe, and patient-focused techniques to deliver anesthetic care. Experienced anesthesiologists ensure patient comfort during surgeries and manage pre-operative conditions and post-operative care. The four primary types of anesthetics include local anesthesia, conscious or IV sedation, regional anesthesia, and general anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia depends on the surgical procedure and patient health. Local anesthesia numbs a small area, IV sedation relaxes and relieves pain, regional anesthesia blocks pain in a larger region, while general anesthesia induces complete unconsciousness.
Doctor's Name   Qualification  Designation 
Dr. Satyavir Singh Dhama M.B.B.S., MD Professor
Dr. Madhu Singhal M.B.B.S., MD Professor
Dr. Ashok Mohanty M.B.B.S., MD Associate Professor
Dr. Yogesh Kumar Chhetty M.B.B.S., MD Associate Professor
Dr. Rahul Singh Associate Professor
Dr. Kamal Kishore Chitara M.B.B.S., MD SAssistant Professor
Dr. Mani Ram M.B.B.S., MD Assistant Professor
Dr. Naina Chandnani M.B.B.S., DNB Assistant Professor
Dr. Renu Bansal M.B.B.S., MD Assistant Professor
Dr. Bhoomika Bihani M.B.B.S., MD Assistant Professor
Dr. Anubhuti Srivastava M.B.B.S., DA, DNB Senior Resident
Dr. Rekha Jadiya M.B.B.S., MD Senior Resident
Dr. Neeru Gaur M.B.B.S., DA, DNB Senior Resident
Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Sharma M.B.B.S., MD Senior Resident
Dr. Pankaj Barath M.B.B.S. Junior Resident
Dr. Basant Kumar M.B.B.S. Junior Resident
Dr. Arvind Vishnoi M.B.B.S. Junior Resident
Dr. Shishpal M.B.B.S. Junior Resident

Key procedures (IPD)

  • Comprehensive Surgical Procedures Round-the-Clock
  • Uninterrupted Anesthesia Services Always Available
  • Expertise in Varied Surgical Specialties
  • Consistent, Professional, 24/7 Care
  • Reliable, Safe, Around-the-Clock Operations

Key procedures (OPD)

  • Day Care Surgeries: Efficient, Quick Procedures with Short Recovery Time.

Key Equipment & Infrastructure

  • Cutting-edge anesthesia workstations enhance surgical safety.
  • Advanced airway management tools ensure patient breathing.
  • Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks promote precision anesthetic delivery.
  • Labor analgesia techniques enable painless childbirth experiences.
  • Separate, fully-equipped OTs for high-risk neurosurgical and cardiac procedures.


  • Anesthesia is a medical treatment that prevents patients from feeling pain during surgery. It can be general (where the patient is unconscious) or regional (where only a part of the body is numbed).

  • Modern anesthesia is generally very safe. However, as with any medical procedure, there are risks. Safety can depend on factors like the health of the patient, the type of procedure, and the expertise of the anesthesiologist. It's essential to discuss any concerns with your anesthesiologist before surgery.

  • It depends on the type of anesthesia used. With general anesthesia, you will be unconscious and won't remember the surgery. With regional anesthesia, like spinal or epidural, you might be awake but won't feel any pain in the numbed area.n text goes here

  • Recovery times can vary based on the type of anesthesia and the individual patient. Most patients are awake shortly after the procedure but might feel groggy for several hours. It's recommended to have someone accompany you home after undergoing anesthesia.
