Department of Psychiatry



The Department of Psychiatry at JIET Hospital is dedicated to studying and treating mental disorders, with a skilled team led by a highly specialized psychiatrist. Recognizing that the mind can also suffer from illness, even when physical health indicators appear normal, our team employs special assessment skills to diagnose and manage these complex conditions accurately. Beyond focusing on medical interventions, we offer comprehensive services, including counseling and creating personalized diet plans to promote ease during treatment by relaxing the brain. Regardless of the myriad thoughts that may bombard your mind daily, our mission is to ensure your mental well-being. Our hospital is also well-equipped with an excellent infrastructure to foster an environment conducive to healing. Trust us to guide you on your journey to mental health recovery, providing quality care that respects and responds to your unique needs and experiences.

Psychiatry Doctors in Jodhpur

Doctor's Name   Qualification  Designation 
Dr. Mukesh Batra M.B.B.S., MD Professor
Dr. Rajendra Kumar Acharya M.B.B.S., MD Associate Professor
Dr. Rishika Agarwal M.B.B.S., MD Assistant Professor
Ms. Mamta Sharma MA, PGD Senior Resident
Dr. Chandra Shekhar Gupta M.B.B.S., DNB Senior Resident
Dr. Bhagya Shree M.B.B.S. Junior Resident
Dr. Krishan M.B.B.S. Junior Resident

Key procedures (OPD)

  • Psychotherapy: Method to resolve emotional distress through communication.
  • Behavior & Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Techniques targeting maladaptive thoughts/actions.
  • Psychological Assessment: Evaluative tools measuring mental health.
  • TDCS: Noninvasive brain stimulation improving cognitive functions.

Key Services

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Regular Exercise and Physical Activity
  • Meditation and Mindfulness Practices
  • Social Support and Communication
  • Balanced Nutrition and Sleep Hygiene

In-House Investigations

  • Psychodiagnostic encompasses tools like the Rorschach test.
  • Thematic Apperception Test explores subjective interpretations.
  • Sentence Completion Test assesses personality traits.
  • IQ Assessment measures intelligence.
  • Pathology & Radiology services detect medical conditions.


  • At JIET Hospital, A psychiatrist treats various mental health disorders. These include Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Schizophrenia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anxiety Disorder, etc.

  • At JIET Hospital, Generally, psychiatrists prescribe medications to help treat various mental disorders. In some cases, they work in tandem with psychologists who counsel patients.

  • psychiatrist is a medical physician who specializes in the care and treatment of mental, emotional, and addictive disorders. A psychiatrist is involved in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental diseases like anxiety, depression, psychosis, substance abuse, sexual dysfunction, and developmental disabilities.

  • Psychiatrists and psychologists are medical professionals offering different services. Psychologists receive graduate training in psychology and pursue either Ph.D or PsyD or clinical psychology. Psychiatrists are physicians with specific training in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness.

  • A psychiatrist deals with the mental, emotional and behavioural aspects of human health. Whenever a person is affected by mental disorders like anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, psychiatric help is needed. Drastic changes in behaviour without any visible cause require a consultation with a psychiatrist. Mental or emotional issues due to drug addiction requires psychiatric help.

  • Anxiety disorders are characterized by being in a state of extreme, perennial anxiety. One out of three people will suffer from anxiety disorders at some point in life. Overwhelming anxiety that affects your day-to-day activities becomes a disorder. A psychiatrist is trained to treat anxiety disorders through psychological therapies and medication.
